Sunday, May 15, 2011

Txtn', who calls?

I am a texter, I won't deny that. It is surprising to me though, how many people have allowed texting to be their primary form of communication for everything.
To show you my texting love, here are two phones I am currently using.

While one is for my phone line, and the other is primarily to be a hot spot for my laptop and ipad when i am on the go, I do have my contacts in it.... just in case. At first I thought that was a bit excessive, but after a while I have come to love this set up, since I already had the extra line on my phone bill I haven't noticed the difference in price.

As I went from teenager to now over time I have used txting as a form of communication more and more.I didn't really use txting as a teenage partially due to it being so expensive.
It wasn't till after I had kids that I found that texting could be great. Since you don't want to wake the sleeping child in your arms, or the phone won't stay on your shoulder as you are doing the thousand chores for the day. A text is considered casual talk so you can check the phone and text back during breaks, or depending what you are doing take that 1 minute to send a reply.
From that and experience I can say talking on the phone takes a little more concentration, for complex in-depth or thought required conversations. Having those types of conversation in text irritate me! not only is each message a paragraph long, but depending on how it is written it can be taken completely out of context.
I have actually had a couple friendships end, because they refused to call me on an important topic when I was busy and couldn't really respond to anything they were saying. They mistook what little I said since my feelings couldn't be heard through the 2 word responses, and how they were texting made them appear insistent and pushy.
While I have been looked at the one of complete fault on those relationships failing, I believe that it was equal fault on all sides due to miscommunication, and poor communication with a little assumption on top.
It is from this and watching people, and even watching some of my past habits for texting that I find it amazing and saddening/ disturbing that such a large group of the population have lost the desire for more sensory filled/intimate like conversation.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Can I stand in the corner please

If I could stand in the corner right now, I bet I could come up with some great ideas. Not only some great idea but i would have alone time! It would be absolutely amazing.

Love the family, but I gotta say it is a bit rough having mr. fish home 24/7 for over a month now. He started non stop in the bed unable to really move around. Now that he has the straight brace and the knee is giving him just a little less pain he is infront of his computer non stop, with the ever 5 to 20 min "i love you" and then ever time he gets up (about the same time frame sometimes as long as an hour) I have to stop what I am doing so he can give me kisses.
Now most women would find this sweet and loving, endearing even. It is however non stop!! It takes so much longer to get the dishes done when I am being stopped 3 to 5 times just by him to give kisses. So now mr. fish thinks I feel that kisses are an inconvenience. If only he realized he always always does this while I am working!
I wonder what his command would think if I came up to work every hour to give him a kiss, bet he would get a lot less work done.

Soooo that's my grip for the day. Perhaps if I have time later I can share a funny store, instead of the craziness that is home bound.