Friday, September 15, 2023

Review: Ruthless Fae of the Zodiac Academy Series

Ruthless Fae Ruthless Fae by Caroline Peckham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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Now on with the review for this book! 

This is the second book in the zodiac Academy series 

Revenge is oh so sweet!
That came in a huge heap in this book. This book picks up at the exact moment we left off in the Awakening. This book is actually fairly action packed, on top of the continual world building and further character development. Making this for a smooth and quick read.

This book does turn up the volume on the smutty steam some. However if you are looking for more smutt and less plot ... thats not this book. This one you do get a scene with one of the twins. It is not filled with crazy details, but you see and know what they are doing and that is exciting enough for that moment. you do see many partners all together... but because they aren't the focus you get snippets of what they are doing in the background.

This book moved you out of the 2 character POV of the twins, and now all the main charcters are getting chapters. Many more new important charcters are introduced within this book.

Last pivotal point I would make is if you are reading ZA before Ruthless boys of the zodiac, to allow you to learn along side the twins you will get more indepth knowledge of the game of pitball finally.

Beyond that anymore details would be too much of a spoiler, but this one ends on a crazy cliff as that is the Twisted Sister's style.. and I just recommend have the next book The Rekoning ready for when you read this end because you will want to start it immediately.

If you would like to get this book you can grab it here:

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