Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Digital book giveaway- Reminder

This is just to remind you that Friday June 15th, I am going to be giving away a copy of the first book from the 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy. If you haven't entered in for your chance to win  you can go Here.
All the information needed about the giveaway is on that link.

Good Luck!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

pimp hats and lemmings


 This is Mickey....(you can go awwwww now)

Mickey a  cute little Chihuahua that I dog sit on occasion. Over the times I have watched him I have noticed a few things other than his cuteness.

1. he is an awesome hoover vaccum and always knows where the crumbs are.

2. He really needs a pimp hat.

I am considering getting him this hat because it is soo necessary for him. However if he gets his super awesome Purple leopard print pimp hat with a feather sticking out of it, he will need his bling bling collar. You just can't have one with out the other.

You may be asking WHY? about now..........
Walking around with a dum dum in his mouth.
 During one of his first visits he found the love for dum dums... though he only likes the more traditional flavors apparently (who would have thought!) So if my kids happen to hide a dum dum to save for later, or forget about it and it falls on the floor.... Mickey finds it and struts his stuff like on the cat walk with that little dum dum stick just sticking out of his mouth. If he could say something then it would so be, " where's my pimp hat!"


When this irresistible pimp dog comes to strut his stuff with his dum dums my house turns in to the lemmings resort.  My kids have to follow him to play with him and pretend he is a zombie or to pet him, and go awwwwwww he's so cute! My dog (retriever/lab mix) has to lick  him and block him from getting to me so she follows him everywhere to make sure he doesn't get my attention... and then there's the cats who follow him around to sit on him. My house is at his feet, its no wonder he is posing on a pillow like royalty.

This pimp has served me well

He is an awesome wine guard! Which is required when the lemmings realize he is here.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Digital Book Give Away!

As seen in previous posts I get a lot of my books on Amazon... I am an amazon prime junkie after all. Well with that I thought I would share a book that I have wrote about recently.

The 50 Shades of Grey has been talked about a lot, but the subject of course has some people in debate if they want to spend the money on it. Then there are others that really want to read it but don't have the extra cash to buy it.... which we all know the libraries are not allowing the set within their walls.... (this may not be true for all libraries but from what i did see in the news it's true for most.)

So how can you snag this FREE copy of 50 Shades of Grey (this is only the first book.) You simply have to follow my blog, and comment on this post. I will be letting this run for 1 week. So Next Friday June 15th at Noon EST I will randomly pick a winner. (this will be done with a randomizer app)

Want an extra chance to win? refer a friend to this that might also like to win. When they comment they simply need to say you refereed them.

*******This giveaway is of a digital book, through amazon. You will need to have the kindle app, a kindle, and an amazon account. Note if you do not currently use amazon, amazon accounts are free, and you can get an application to put on your computer to read it there, so no smart phone, tablet or e reader required.********

**must be 18+ to enter **

****This giveaway is being done entirely by me, no one had given me the book to give away. I chose this book to give away because of it being a highly sought out book at the moment, and I want to share the entertainment****

scheduling posts

you know scheduling posts just seems like I am putting my head in a vice and trying to squeeze out all the good juices at once and then letting it sit in a tub of water... or coffee... or wine to refill over the next allotted amount of time.

Clearly this would explain why I don't post everyday. It also would explain why I may post multiple things in one day.... though I have to say I have tons of amusement in the fact that I scheduled a post so you can't read it till I decide despite the massive brain juice leaking all over my blog!!

yes it so sounds like I have been turned in to a zombie... and I'm ok with that, minion #2 knows how to use his Nerf battle ax.Clearly today is a brain leaking day. =) Bring on the coffee!

Book Review- Author Selena kit

After reading the 50 shades of Grey  Series I went on to look for more quick easy reads that didn't require a lot of attention since I do so much reading for college. What I found that intrigued me was that there is a lot of short story erotica out there based on classic fairy tales. This in turn remind me of the sleeping beauty series by Anne Rice. So I figured I would give a few a try since they are very cheap if you get digital copies.

One of the Authors I started with was Selena Kit. While I haven't read any of her erotic novels I have now read all of her short stories on various Fairy Tales. Which I have to say she did an excellent job taking these classic stories and converting them to a more now time frame (or specific point in time) and then gave them all an erotic twist. I found a large curiosity while reading these stories on whats going to happen next, whats the next fairy tale going to be like. I liked each fairy tale for what they were and the writting done to present them. As far as sex there is a variety of different types of sex with in the collection, some stores have more erotica than others. If you are sensitive to some subject material I suggest reading the reviews on each book before buying the collection since there are warnings on what type of topic matter may be covered in the story. If you cry easy to touching stories/plots there are a couple that may make you shed a tear for a character. =)

Because I wasn't sure what I would think of her stories or her writing I went the safe route and only bought one. The one I started off with was Alice (Alice in wonderland)... and why not start off with Alice in wonderland, since that is already a hilarious adventure and then you add sex to it! That's just cheap entertainment at that point.

So I read, I laughed, I ignored my reading for college. By ignoring my reading I still got perfects on my papers, and my  mind was stimulated for the time

I was told years ago, that in my point in my life if I am frustrated by not getting to read my books I love to any great extent because of lack of time and being interrupted every other sentence to take up cheap romance. Since they can be well written the general story plots are similar so there is no thought required and I can put them down and pick them up with out a problem, even miss a sentence and it not be a big deal........... It took me a while to dive in to the genre but I did with a few free books earlier this year, and I have been able to since read more than I haven since after I had minion #2.

Clearly I took that advice a step further and took it to erotic romance, which is very entertaining. Though this genre is not new to me thanks to Anne Rice many many many years ago when I read her Sleeping Beauty Trilogy.

****I am an Amazon Prime Junkie... Its just the way it is. So the pictures I provided are from amazon, only because that's where I personally bought my copies. They can just as easily be bought from other venues.****

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Book Review- 50 Shades Trilogy

What's The Hype?

50 Shades of Grey became quickly a very popular trilogy to read. More so with women readers than men, though there are plenty of men out there that have read it. Below is my personal review on the series as I read them about 2 months ago. This is strictly my own opinion and has not been swayed by other opinions rather I am trying to give you a detailed run down of the books with out giving away the story.


I loved these books! I can't say that I loved one more than the other, but that it was hard to end one book and not immediately pick up the next book. E.L.James did a fabulous job on these books by not just detail in the story and character development but they were very well written. Due to the subject type you can't typically get them in a library, and currently you can't loan them out on amazon. I would suggest that if romance/erotica is not your normal reading genre to get sample readings on line of these books and even see if you can borrow the first book from a friend. I say that because the erotic part of the book is not for everyone, so while you may appreciate the writing, the content may very well turn you off on the books.

The story takes place with a girl that is still a virgin and generally speaking innocent when it comes to relationships because by choice she has put dating in the back of her mind, preferring to sit down with her English romance novels. While this girl may be a rare thing to find in her senior year of college today like shown in the book, I can say I don't think she is an impossible character to imagine out and about in the world today.
She meets the other main character Christan while doing an interview of him for her roommate.
In short they end up "running" in to each other again, and slowly get to know each other. Before she knows it she is letting those hormones she has ignored come to the surface and lets them take over.

There is Sex , lots of sex. Specifically he is a Dominant and was her to be his submissive. It doesn't quite plan out how he wants but he ended up very happy with the situation. The reasoning for him being a Dominant is very much due to his childhood, and memories that for ever haunt his dreams. In the last book those horrible memories can be safely said to be put at ease and they do both find their happy ending. They also find a middle ground for what they both want in the bedroom.

** Below is an interview of E.L.James on ABC News**

'50 Shades of Grey' Author E. L. James's First Interview | Video - ABC News

Friday, June 1, 2012

rant, rave, ramble

To Rant, To Rave or To Ramble!

Blogging had definitely become a way of life for many people. While some its on their personal life just to vent and give insight for others with problems they life/deal with regularly for others they do it with a purpose. Regardless more time is spent blogging and reading blogs than there was many many years ago when I blogged passionately.

I still have the want and desire to blog but sometimes I don't have the time, or more importantly the privacy. (this is where you laugh because the general purpose behind a blog is far from private.) I think my issue is I hate behind the chair readers... it seems so snoopy to what I am doing on the internet when they could generally just ask and be easily shown. 

Also being a hermit by nature I get more social experience online, though when I blog that's not what I am looking for. I am at that point looking at yelling to the air or just talking to myself but not really expecting a reply.... though sometimes they are nice.

Needless to say I am in need for that feeling again. While I attempted to start doing that not too long ago, I think the time was all wrong. Not that it is ever right, but more a desire is stronger. 

So look for my rants, raves, and ramblings of various things which will include product reviews, book reviews, spazing about a class, and give always! Product reviews will go hand and hand with the give always but I will not be doing that until I get back in the blogging saddle.