Friday, June 8, 2012

Book Review- Author Selena kit

After reading the 50 shades of Grey  Series I went on to look for more quick easy reads that didn't require a lot of attention since I do so much reading for college. What I found that intrigued me was that there is a lot of short story erotica out there based on classic fairy tales. This in turn remind me of the sleeping beauty series by Anne Rice. So I figured I would give a few a try since they are very cheap if you get digital copies.

One of the Authors I started with was Selena Kit. While I haven't read any of her erotic novels I have now read all of her short stories on various Fairy Tales. Which I have to say she did an excellent job taking these classic stories and converting them to a more now time frame (or specific point in time) and then gave them all an erotic twist. I found a large curiosity while reading these stories on whats going to happen next, whats the next fairy tale going to be like. I liked each fairy tale for what they were and the writting done to present them. As far as sex there is a variety of different types of sex with in the collection, some stores have more erotica than others. If you are sensitive to some subject material I suggest reading the reviews on each book before buying the collection since there are warnings on what type of topic matter may be covered in the story. If you cry easy to touching stories/plots there are a couple that may make you shed a tear for a character. =)

Because I wasn't sure what I would think of her stories or her writing I went the safe route and only bought one. The one I started off with was Alice (Alice in wonderland)... and why not start off with Alice in wonderland, since that is already a hilarious adventure and then you add sex to it! That's just cheap entertainment at that point.

So I read, I laughed, I ignored my reading for college. By ignoring my reading I still got perfects on my papers, and my  mind was stimulated for the time

I was told years ago, that in my point in my life if I am frustrated by not getting to read my books I love to any great extent because of lack of time and being interrupted every other sentence to take up cheap romance. Since they can be well written the general story plots are similar so there is no thought required and I can put them down and pick them up with out a problem, even miss a sentence and it not be a big deal........... It took me a while to dive in to the genre but I did with a few free books earlier this year, and I have been able to since read more than I haven since after I had minion #2.

Clearly I took that advice a step further and took it to erotic romance, which is very entertaining. Though this genre is not new to me thanks to Anne Rice many many many years ago when I read her Sleeping Beauty Trilogy.

****I am an Amazon Prime Junkie... Its just the way it is. So the pictures I provided are from amazon, only because that's where I personally bought my copies. They can just as easily be bought from other venues.****

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