Saturday, June 9, 2012

pimp hats and lemmings


 This is Mickey....(you can go awwwww now)

Mickey a  cute little Chihuahua that I dog sit on occasion. Over the times I have watched him I have noticed a few things other than his cuteness.

1. he is an awesome hoover vaccum and always knows where the crumbs are.

2. He really needs a pimp hat.

I am considering getting him this hat because it is soo necessary for him. However if he gets his super awesome Purple leopard print pimp hat with a feather sticking out of it, he will need his bling bling collar. You just can't have one with out the other.

You may be asking WHY? about now..........
Walking around with a dum dum in his mouth.
 During one of his first visits he found the love for dum dums... though he only likes the more traditional flavors apparently (who would have thought!) So if my kids happen to hide a dum dum to save for later, or forget about it and it falls on the floor.... Mickey finds it and struts his stuff like on the cat walk with that little dum dum stick just sticking out of his mouth. If he could say something then it would so be, " where's my pimp hat!"


When this irresistible pimp dog comes to strut his stuff with his dum dums my house turns in to the lemmings resort.  My kids have to follow him to play with him and pretend he is a zombie or to pet him, and go awwwwwww he's so cute! My dog (retriever/lab mix) has to lick  him and block him from getting to me so she follows him everywhere to make sure he doesn't get my attention... and then there's the cats who follow him around to sit on him. My house is at his feet, its no wonder he is posing on a pillow like royalty.

This pimp has served me well

He is an awesome wine guard! Which is required when the lemmings realize he is here.

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