Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Dance mom life--- Struggle bus time

 Dance season officially started for regular classes for my daughter yesterday. Not long before that she had already got competition dance stuff back in gear. This year will prove to be both a blessing, breathe of fresh air and a struggle as those that come with change. 

This year she started at a new studio, with a new team and a new group of faces. This studio is half the distance that her old studio was from our house, and has more opportunities for her. This move was something I thought on for a long time, and while I know she couldn't see all of what I could, I do hope she comes to see what I see fully and love it just as much. I say that because while she has loved it at this studio so far, last night after class it was definately a ride home with tears talking about how much she missed her old studio. 

It was during these tears I had to point out dance styles she loves she wouldn't have been able to do at the old studio due to them either not offering it, or because I couldn't go down there 5 days a week, 4 days a week was too much the year before. Also during this time I pointed out she was sore after her classes, she had never taken a class that made her sore at her old studio. Which made me use words of wisdom from a teacher she had used for learning her aerial. It was definately a tough conversation.

But it is so nice to be able to experience dance more so how others do. I can on her longer nights drop her off and go home. She can learn all her skills she needs for tricks/ or skills/ styles she has been wanting to learn at this studio, making it a one stop shop. Where before we were going to multiple studios to get everything. 

So wish us luck! and look out as I share our dance year here. 

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